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Monday, February 21, 2011

A Non-iOS Tablet Dilemma

If you've been catching up on the latest tech news over the last few weeks you would have noticed the rapid increase in tablet talk around the web. Numerous companies have introduced their tablets and each one promises features unique in some way. Truth be told, the tablet market has been dominated by the iPad for over a year now and it's about time something other than an Apple device stepped up to the plate.

I've had the iPad since it was launched in 2009 and
it has dominated my time whether I'm home or away. This great device is definitely one for the history books and many years from now when we look back at the history of technology, the iPad will surely be a milestone. With most gadgets getting smaller and faster, with longer battery-life and a plethora of features, the tablet is headed in the same direction. Current trends suggest smaller tablet-type devices that promise to do almost everything a computer does while fitting in your pocket. The iPad (although not a pocket-fitter) has served me well for more than a year now and it's time something better took over. That's the way a techie mind works anyways. Newer and better things are desired ever so often.

A non-iOS tablet is something I've wanted for a while now. There have been a couple of other mediocre devices that have come out in the last year or so but nothing worth owning. I've waited for a tablet-type device long enough already. Something's gotta give! I'm guessing my eagerness will end soon because there are quite a few good devices ready to hit the market in the next few weeks (in fact, as early as the next three days when the Xoom launches).

So which one is it going to be? There is the Motorola Xoom which comes out later this week, priced at $799. HP's TouchPad which will be out this summer (no news on the price), Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and the Dell Streak 7 priced at $199 with a 2-year contract. I think I'm willing to buy a smaller than 10-inch tablet just because it will be less bulky. I want to try out the Android platform because I haven't had a chance to do so yet. I'm sure it's better than iOS in some ways. WebOS also looks good from HP's last press event. There are so many choices out there that it makes this whole thing a conundrum. Should I wait for a while or run out and buy something as soon as it is launched? I think I am the kind that waits a bit for initial reviews to appear on the internet before I make any of my buying decisions. So the task of making the right choice will be beginning pretty soon. I have the funds set aside for a non-iOS tablet and I just can't wait to spend those bucks.

The iPad 2, which I'm hoping will be announced next week, looks like a sure buy. But that's an iOS device and I will discuss it in a separate post once more details become available.

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